Search found 1941 matches
- Thu Feb 06, 2025 2:34 pm
- Forum: ARpiCADE Support
- Topic: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
- Replies: 41
- Views: 15425
Re: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
No pressure to mess with the ARpiCADE_5 stuff if it isn't convenient. You can replace 'joystick' in the dmesg | grep command with anything 'usb' may find what you're after. It's just looking through the kernel startup output, shouldn't hurt if you try a few things in the search *(one at a time). EDI...
- Thu Feb 06, 2025 1:38 pm
- Forum: ARpiCADE Support
- Topic: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
- Replies: 41
- Views: 15425
Re: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
Out of curiosity... do you still have ARpiCADE_5 on SD? If so does the yoke have the same behaviour on it when tested on the same Pi4? ARpiCADE_5 uses a different GPIO joystick method so may behave differently to the mk_arcade_joystick driver. I get this isn't a solution for you if it works but I'm ...
- Thu Feb 06, 2025 1:31 pm
- Forum: ARpiCADE Support
- Topic: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
- Replies: 41
- Views: 15425
Re: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
was the yoke plugged in? If so it may not be using joystick in it's name presented to the linux kernel, you could try replacing joystick in the search with yoke or mouse or maybe pad... From what I can see there the GPIO joysticks (ie the JAMMA controls) are player 1 and 2. At least I'm assuming tha...
- Thu Feb 06, 2025 1:02 pm
- Forum: ARpiCADE Support
- Topic: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
- Replies: 41
- Views: 15425
Re: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
it will output directly on the terminal but you could also make it write to a file if you liked (depending on the file location you may need to start the line with sudo for write permission). eg sudo dmesg | grep joystick > /path/to/file.txt the terminal can be hard to read on an arcade CRT, if you ...
- Thu Feb 06, 2025 8:06 am
- Forum: ARpiCADE Support
- Topic: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
- Replies: 41
- Views: 15425
Re: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
In mouse mode is it just a mouse or still a joystick too? Had a thought, is there any way to have the ArPiCade OS show/create a log file when it initially first starts/boots up to see what just might be going on? dmesg should be able to do that on the command line directly. Try something like this (...
- Wed Feb 05, 2025 4:31 am
- Forum: ARpiCADE Support
- Topic: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
- Replies: 41
- Views: 15425
Re: GRS Star Wars flight yoke issues
wow, it appears as 2 mice, 2 lightguns and a digital joystick! Does MAME see it as multiple devices on the Pi too? Is it possible to flash the flight stick so it doesn't need to present as a digital joystick? I can see it has multiple mouse modes... If it can handle button presses as a mouse (or a l...
- Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:08 pm
- Forum: ARpiCADE release updates
- Topic: ARpiCADE_5 - for Pi4 or Pi5
- Replies: 57
- Views: 12720
Re: ARpiCADE_5 - for Pi4 or Pi5
There was a Mr Driller game added that I think was the inspiration for someone wanting 269. Not sure of much else. As a general rule, yes older MAME versions are still often faster (unless the game is already fullspeed in newer MAME). It's not a set in stone rule though, I have come accross the odd ...
- Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:17 pm
- Forum: RaspberryJAMMA Hardware Questions
- Topic: Sound With the Pi5
- Replies: 3
- Views: 182
Re: Sound With the Pi5
Yes the audio is via the HDMI. You will want to plug the micro HDMI into the connector closest to the Pi power input, the other isn't really setup and will have unexpected results. Once you have the SD card imaged and resized for the large cards you can select vertical ror or rol (or horizontal) fro...
- Mon Feb 03, 2025 7:50 am
- Forum: RaspberryJAMMA Hardware Questions
- Topic: Sound With the Pi5
- Replies: 3
- Views: 182
Re: Sound With the Pi5
3.5mm output of the HDMI to VGA DAC
- Tue Jan 28, 2025 9:41 am
- Forum: General Topics
- Topic: Which Version - Opinions?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 716
Re: Which Version - Opinions?
You're probably best of with a Pi4 for now. As you've seen in the other thread ARpiCADE_5 is rough around the edges at the moment, needs a lot of work. Pi4 can run ARpiCADE_4v3.2 (the Pi4 software mentioned in the other thread) as well as ARpiCADE_5 so you could have a stable build and the current s...