Thinking of installing in my Multi-Williams cab- need advice

Thinking about getting a RaspberryJAMMA, or have just purchased one and have a newbie question? Walls here are padded, come on in and bounce your question off of them!

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Thinking of installing in my Multi-Williams cab- need advice

Post by alveolus » Mon Mar 25, 2024 5:14 pm

Hi. I have a Multi-Williams cabinet that I have been running either the Arcadeshop or JROK MW boards. I have been wanting to play additional horizontal games, particularly SmashTV and have some questions.

Is ARpiCADE an appropriate choice for this? Are there better options? Ease of set-up is a priority as I am not a MAME/DOS/Pi/Linux/etc expert

Would I need the kick harness for the standard MW control panel layout?

Is it a good idea to purchase a game list image and does this include the ROMs or do I have to source those myself? (ROM sourcing has always confounded me)

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Thinking of installing in my Multi-Williams cab- need advice

Post by dee2eR » Tue Mar 26, 2024 4:44 am

It could be a very good choice but I'm the wrong person to ask if there are better options as I make this one (and am biased). As far as I'm aware there's no more customisable JAMMA solution than this, plus I've provided nearly ten years of free software upgrades and support. Setup wise it's as easy as I can make it, but there is a learning curve just like anything else that's new to you. Essentially image the software to SD card and add some roms by copying them from your PC to the SD card in a file browser and you're good to go (but if you want to you can customise pretty much everything and dig a lot further into it than that.

I don't think I've ever played a genuine Smash TV board but it plays great on ARpiCADE from what I can tell. On your MW control panel you'l probably only be able to play 1 player though (as it needs 2 joys per player).

As far as I'm aware the JROK doesn't use a kick harness so I wouldn't think you need one for the RaspberryJAMMA/ARpiCADE.

If you want a bit of everything purchasing a pre-built image may suit you but I recommend building your own gamelist/romset so it's exactly what you want. While it's sort of nice to have 1000s of games in a list in my experience you scroll past most of them to find the few games you actually want to play, or you end up trying heaps of different games too quickly to get the most out of them in an attempt to see everything. A big list is nice if a mate wants to play a particular game though.

If you do want to do your own roms I will be happy to help with advice. Depending on the games you want and RPi model you use you would probably want a romset for MAME 0.172 or MAME 0.251, but on Pi3 or older you may want some older versions too - mainly MAME 0.106 (advmame) to run the stuff that won't run well in 172. There are some oddities like Laser Disc games and consoles etc. too...

If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

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