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Jamma Conversion Possibilities

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:32 pm
by red732
I just found out about this product and had a question. I have a Operation Thunderbolt arcade and would love it if I could make a Taito G-Connector to JAMMA conversion harness that would allow me to possibly swap the original board out with the arpicade solution. Would this be possible or am I missing the way this works?

Re: Jamma Conversion Possibilities

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:04 pm
by dee2eR
Did Operation Thunderbolt use analog joysticks as guns? If the original controls were analog there's not a easy way to convert to JAMMA controls as the JAMMA standard only covers digital inputs. Looking here: I'm not sure offhand if it's analog or digital.

If it is analog controls you could use a USB converter to use the analog controls with the system.

If the inputs are digital, wiring them to JAMMA with an adaptor should work. Keep in mind the JAMMA standard has no way to control the gun shakers and only has mono sound (looks like your cab will be wired stereo but that should be adaptable too).