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4 Player Arpicade JAMMA adapter the way to go for NBA Jam dedicated 4player?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:45 pm
by tdalton
So as the subject says, I'm wondering if the 4 Player Arpicade JAMMA adapter is the way to go for my NBA Jam dedicated cabinet and with the exception of needing a Pi (which I have), is there any other hardware I'd need or is this plug and play? Also, I read another post from the op that said this board should work with the Pi4 (with mini HDMI), has anyone tested that yet? I'm thinking the performance benefit of the Pi4 would be good for NBA Jam itself. The games I'm looking to player are generally going to be NBA Jam series, TMNT, Sunset Riders, Simpons, Xmen and other 4 player 90s game that aren't coming to mind right now :) Thank you.

Re: 4 Player Arpicade JAMMA adapter the way to go for NBA Jam dedicated 4player?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:14 am
by dee2eR
I imagine you would be happy with either a Pi3 or Pi4 based setup as it is likely NBAJam will play great on either, most of the other games you mentioned too.

If you want the later titles in the NBAJam series, Hangtime etc. you will be best off with the Pi4 as it will be able to play those later titles in MAME172 or later. On a Pi3 those titles would need to be played in 078.

The four player adaptor + RaspberryJAMMA should be plug and play in your NBA Jam cab, no mods to the cab required. However I don't think anyone in the world except myself have run the four player adaptor with the Pi4 yet (unless someone has done it in the last couple of days and not mentioned it to me) - it should work fine though.

If you already have a Pi it may be worth trying whatever model you have to start with, you can upgrade later on with just an adaptor for the HDMI if you want to.