Recalbox for RaspberryJamma R2
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Re: Recalbox for RaspberryJamma R2
how did you set up the long hold start to exit emulators on this build? I'm having trouble figuring it out. If you're using xboxdrv like on ARpiCADE I can't seem to find the config.
how did you set up the long hold start to exit emulators on this build? I'm having trouble figuring it out. If you're using xboxdrv like on ARpiCADE I can't seem to find the config.
Re: Recalbox for RaspberryJamma R2
I'm using a modified recalbox python script whom listen to a particular GPIO pin (P1Start for instance) and execute a unix kill command if a time condition is triggered. There it is:
You'll find the file called "" in this folder: recalbox/scripts
Feel free to use anything you could find useful for your distro
Code: Select all
#Import libs
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import os
import time
#Set Environment
GPIO.setup(3, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
while True:
GPIO.wait_for_edge(3, GPIO.FALLING)
pressedat = time.clock()
while GPIO.input(3) == GPIO.LOW:
releasedat = time.clock()
if (releasedat - pressedat) >= 2.000:
os.system("killall -9 retroarch mupen64plus glupen64 fba2x scummvm snes9x_next mame078 mame2003 mgba fba libretro fceunext cap32 stella prosystem hatari vice_x64 nxengine bluemsx reicast* PPSSPPSDL dosbox pcsx_rearmed gw lineapple fuse zx81 prboom uae4arm &> /dev/null")
os.system("tvservice -e \"CEA 6 HDMI\" &> /dev/null")
#Reset Control Vars
releasedat = pressedat = 0
#Cleaning Gpio ports on Error or Exit
Feel free to use anything you could find useful for your distro
Re: Recalbox for RaspberryJamma R2
I've noticed screen tearing in MD games that have verticall scrollong, twinkle tale is a perfect example. There is a sollution?
Thanks for your great work.
Thanks for your great work.
Re: Recalbox for RaspberryJamma R2
I'll look into it when I'll be back from holidays
Last edited by Ouaibe on Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Recalbox for RaspberryJamma R2
Thanks in advance
Re: Recalbox for RaspberryJamma R2
Awesome work! Would really love to try this out but it doesn't seem to work on my rpi3b+, it's not booting. I had the same problem with ARpiCade 3.7, it also did not boot (red led kept on flashing). Then I found out about 3.82 that had added support for rpi3b+ and now ARpicade works. My guess it's the same problem going on here. Any plans on adding support for rpi3b+?
Re: Recalbox for RaspberryJamma R2
Recalbox is not yet compatible with rpi3b+. Once it's available, i'll create a RaspberryJamma version of it. No ETA yet from the Recalbox team unfortunatly.Any plans on adding support for rpi3b+?
Re: Recalbox for RaspberryJamma R2
Is there a way to use this on a vertical cab?
How can I change the screen rotation settings?
How can I change the screen rotation settings?
Don't ask me about first person shooters or 4k; ask me about side scrollers, platformers, 2d fighters, and schmups on a crt!