How To Section

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How To Section

Post by ArPiUser » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:18 pm

What if there was a how to section? Someone that was able to solve a problem would list the problem and provide a step by step solution.

Maybe within the same section, people can do reviews on products that they use. For example, I could do a review on the Pi 3B+ since I have both the 3B and the 3B+. I can discuss how they differ and the performance difference.

It would also be nice to have links to various topics that could go more in depth. For example: links to how to add a trackball, light gun, etc. Links to artwork and overlays, etc.

That would make it easier than having to go through and search each of the forums.

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Re: How To Section

Post by tobs99 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:58 pm

Can someone explain how to add a trackball. I bought a happ usb trackball as directed. Its plugged into the rasberry but is not recognized. Is there a setting or something I need to do for this.

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Re: How To Section

Post by dee2eR » Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:32 am

without loading a game can you move the menu list up and down with your trackball?

If not in the Attract-Mode menus (cabside service button or 'tab' on keyboard) go to 'controls'. 'previous game' and 'next game' should be set to mouse up and mouse down. Not knowing which version of the software you have it's owrth checking this. Either way as your mouse isn't working edit the control and 'add input' then when prompted for an input scroll your trackball/mouse and it should be picked up. If it's not detected this way it may not work or maybe something else needs to be done - I don't have a Happ USB trackball to test for you, I use a (I think it is a Happ) regular arcade trackball with a Opti-Wiz, regular USB mice shoudl work so as long as Happ didn't do anything funky with their USB implementation it should work.

Hopefully that helps.

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Re: How To Section

Post by dee2eR » Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:35 am

ArPiUser wrote:
Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:18 pm
What if there was a how to section? Someone that was able to solve a problem would list the problem and provide a step by step solution.

Maybe within the same section, people can do reviews on products that they use. For example, I could do a review on the Pi 3B+ since I have both the 3B and the 3B+. I can discuss how they differ and the performance difference.

It would also be nice to have links to various topics that could go more in depth. For example: links to how to add a trackball, light gun, etc. Links to artwork and overlays, etc.

That would make it easier than having to go through and search each of the forums.
Good suggestion, thanks. I agree the current structure of the forum is a bit confusing and could be more organized. A how to section is a great idea.

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