We purchased our ARPICADE via HSS and requested CGA but once our monitor displayed only BLUE we pivoted to LCD. Now our pi isnt recognized by the LCD monitor. Does anyone have a fresh install (config.txt) file with the proper LCD setting?
Here's how it came
# For more options and information see
# http://www.raspberrypi.org/documentatio ... fig-txt.md
# Some settings may impact device functionality. See link above for details
# disable Rpi rainbow splash
# Comment/uncommment to flip the image to account for monitor mounting
# this is a 180 degree flip NOT hori/vert mounting
# (see bottom of file for horizontal/vertical mount option)
# uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode
# make sure the pi outputs to correct scanlines without overscan
# use this even when playing with overscan settings for best results
# on CRT monitors always use this setting
# uncomment the following to adjust overscan / picture position. Use positive
# numbers if console goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border
# also use overscan_scale so the emulators comply & still use disable_overscan
# do not adjust top and bottom or you will loose scanline perfect output although
# you can move the picture up or down evenly with okay-ish results better not to
# ignore edid - we just want video output to do as we say anyway
# force hdmi output
# uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI so audio works
# uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference, blanking, or
# no display
# use full spectrum RGB over HDMI
## PLEASE NOTE: due to the resolution switching launcher scripts changes made
## in this section are at your own risk and may have unexpected behaviour
## (see /boot/launchers/resSwitch.sh)
## High res setting
# Boot and menus in 480p (no res switching, just 480p)
## Low res settings - use only one, either 240p or 480i
# 1920x240p@60 - 240p, 250p and 288p only
#hdmi_timings=1920 1 52 208 260 240 1 6 10 6 0 0 0 60 0 38400000 1
# Boots in 960x480i - uses240p etc for games
hdmi_timings=1920 1 48 192 240 480 1 6 3 16 0 0 2 60 1 37560000 1
# either low res setting needs the next two lines
# Increase gpu mem for complex Attract-Mode themes to work properly
# Uncomment to overclock RPi2
#temp_limit=80 #Will throttle to default clock speed if hit.
# Experimental RPi3 overclocking - reported stable, you may want a heatsink
# the 1A fuse on a RaspberryJAMMA can be safely upgraded to a 2.5A fuse for RPi3
# and probably should be for overclocking
#temp_limit=80 #Will throttle to default clock speed if hit.
# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)
# Enable 4 player adaptor over i2c
# Additional overlays and parameters are documented /boot/overlays/README
# Experimental keyboard based JAMMA controls - no working hotkeys system currently
# I need to test these
#disable wifi
#disable bluetooth
NEED Default LCD settings Purchased as CGA
Moderator: dee2eR
Re: NEED Default LCD settings Purchased as CGA
These are the 6 line changes to make:
Note: all that is necesary is to comment out or uncomment the lines, they are already in the file...#overscan_left=46
Re: NEED Default LCD settings Purchased as CGA
Thank you. I needed this as well. For anyone, be sure to adjust your lcd monitor aspect ratios. My default was “fill” and after I adjusted it to “aspect ratio” the games looked correct and not stretched.
Vids: Ms. Pac-Man, Star Wars, NBA Jam TE, Golden Tee Complete, Centipede, ARpiCADE X 2
Pins: Space Shuttle, Space Mission
Vids: Ms. Pac-Man, Star Wars, NBA Jam TE, Golden Tee Complete, Centipede, ARpiCADE X 2
Pins: Space Shuttle, Space Mission