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Input issues with Pi2Jamma/ArPiCade

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:16 am
by MrNewVegas
Hey everybody,
So at first I thought there was an issue with my cab but I just got a second cab and some CPS-2 PCBs. The PCBs work perfect in both cabs.

The issues with the Pi setup are button inputs are acting funky. I have it to boot right into SF2. The player walks forward no matter what. If I hold back they just stand still, when I let go of the stick they walk forward again. Some of the button inputs also act up. Sometimes when I press the player one select button it brings up a menu box but none of the words are visible and flicker if I move the stick.

I am wondering if this is an issue with the board itself of something wrong with the image on the SD. I ordered this from HiScoreSaves and was given a predone SD card.

Thanks for your help!

Re: Input issues with Pi2Jamma/ArPiCade

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:16 am
by dee2eR
I'd check the joystick to be certain the left direction micro switch is connected properly, some micros let you connect it as normally open or normally closed. If you have the 3 connection type of micro switches in the joystick that could be all it is. Some original boards don't seem to care how they're hooked up (not sure with CPS2 stuff) so the other board could possibly work fine with it either way.

I don't know what version of the ARpiCADE software you may have but I don't think that will be the issue as I would have heard of it before if there was a software version going around that caused a direction to be stuck.

It's possible it's the hardware, not likely it's the RaspberryJAMMA board part though as I test them (including every input) when I make them (before sending them to HSS). There could be an issue with your Pi, I have seen a couple of Pis over the years with GPIO issues - that could be the source of the issue. If you have another Pi you could try on the board it could help to determine this, otherwise there are some troubleshooting tips you can do to determine if the Pi is the issue but I'd start with checking the micro on the joystick.

Re: Input issues with Pi2Jamma/ArPiCade

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:45 pm
by MrNewVegas
It has had the same problem on two different machines so I dont believe its the joysticks itself.

I fortunately do have another pi to test. It did work flawlessly when I first got it. The Pi could make sense too because of the menu image issues.

I will test out a different pi first thing.

Re: Input issues with Pi2Jamma/ArPiCade

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 8:07 pm
by MrNewVegas
Sadly the other Pi I have is a 4 so it didnt have a direct HDMI port on it.

I tried a different set of sticks and had the same issue. I took a picture of one of the issues if that is any help. When in game if I press Player 1 Select it brings up this menu and messes the sound up.


I also noticed somebody else in the software section had the same issue as me regarding Button 2. This button has never worked for me either. Is it possible the guy from HiScoreSaves made the SD cards poorly?

Re: Input issues with Pi2Jamma/ArPiCade

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:31 pm
by dee2eR
I don't think it's the software, as I said previously.

That MAME menu opens when you hit start because joy right is stuck on. Start+joy right is the default shortcut for the menu. The sound will mess up while the menu is running because the menu can effect the game speed. Nothing to worry about if we can figure out why you have a stuck button.

If you can test the Pi off the JAMMA board you can see if a GPIO is causing the issue. To do so you will need to power the Pi outside the cab and run the HDMI to another monitor (most HDMI monitors will be able to display the 480i default image but it won't look great). If you exit all the menus with f4, once at the command line run
jstest /dev/input/js0
and see if the direction is still stuck on... if it's still stuck on with nothing connected the the GPIO you have a Pi with a fault in the GPIO, if the direction is not stuck on the fault is in either the cab (not likely as you say the issue happens on 2 cabs) or RaspberryJAMMA board or maybe the ribbon cable that connects the Pi and JAMMA board.

If you bought the whole lot including the Pi from HSS it may be worth returning it to them for them to troubleshoot - as the fault moves with the board it is not likely to be your cab.

Re: Input issues with Pi2Jamma/ArPiCade

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:08 am
by MrNewVegas
Awesome, I’ll test it on a computer to see if that is still running.

Re: Input issues with Pi2Jamma/ArPiCade

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:56 pm
by MrNewVegas

I finally got around to testing it out with a keyboard. Didn’t have a micro USB to power it outside of JAMMA.

The same issue keeps happening. What would you suggest for me to do next? New ribbon cable or new Pi?

Re: Input issues with Pi2Jamma/ArPiCade

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:00 pm
by dee2eR
You will need to power it outside of JAMMA to test without the ribbon cable plugging the 2 halves together. If you have a micro USB phone charger it will work for this test (although it probably wouldn't supply enough current to use it all the time it should work to test it - performance issues from low power shouldn't effect the inputs during testing).

Remove the ribbon cable so the RPi isn't attached to the RaspberryJAMMA board and run the command
jstest /dev/input/js0
from the command line. If the button is stuck on without the ribbon cable connection the issue is the Pi. If the button is stuck on with the ribbon cable attached but not with it removed the issue is either the ribbon cable or the RaspberryJAMMA (or your cabs button or wiring but that can be ruled out by having the JAMMA edge unplugged).

Re: Input issues with Pi2Jamma/ArPiCade

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:48 am
by MrNewVegas
Okay I will test without the ribbon cable connected next.

With the ribbon cable it stated no button was on but in game P1 right was engaged.