HOWTO: Enable Wi-Fi and SFTP access to transfer your ROMs via a Windows PC using WinSCP!

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Re: HOWTO: Enable Wi-Fi and SFTP access to transfer your ROMs via a Windows PC using WinSCP!

Post by dee2eR » Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:14 pm

While I'm probably of no real use in this thread... if you've set up the WiFi connection already through Attract-Mode (I assume in the service menu option) you can probably just skip that step as it's only the same done manually and when this tutorial was written the wpa_supplicant file didn't require the country code it now has in it (not sure if that will really matter).

Beyond that, the command you typed here should have worked... not sure why it didn't.

The blank prompt is possibly just the cursor being hidden, did you try typing at all?

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Re: HOWTO: Enable Wi-Fi and SFTP access to transfer your ROMs via a Windows PC using WinSCP!

Post by Bubbak » Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:50 pm

I tried typing on the screen and had nothing. I even tried 'exit' and nothing happened. I'll play around with it a bit more today and see what I can do. Worst case, I'll reload the image and start over.

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Re: HOWTO: Enable Wi-Fi and SFTP access to transfer your ROMs via a Windows PC using WinSCP!

Post by bobojijio » Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:07 am

Bubbak, I noticed the same thing as well. When I log in as the user 'pi' via SSH it executes the login script which launches attract mode and appears to hold up the command prompt. You should notice that if you cancel out of attract mode on the console session that you will immediately receive a command prompt in SSH. I would recommend resetting the root password and logging in via 'root' instead of 'pi'. This will bypass the login script and will give you an instant command prompt via SSH.

Hope that helps. I'm loving the 3.83 update by the way!


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Re: HOWTO: Enable Wi-Fi and SFTP access to transfer your ROMs via a Windows PC using WinSCP!

Post by fuzzbee » Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:17 pm

Noob - I followed the instructions to hook up the wifi and can see the directories in WinSCP but when I try to transfer roms to the pi it denies me access. Thanks, loving the Arpicade and raspberryjamma. I am able to take files from the Pi and copy them onto my windows 10 computer but not from windows to the pi. I have tried it with my virus and firewall turned off but still can't do it.

I suspect it is a permission I have to give it somewhere on the pi but have no idea where to look.

Any suggestions?

I have version 3.83.

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Re: HOWTO: Enable Wi-Fi and SFTP access to transfer your ROMs via a Windows PC using WinSCP!

Post by canOpoop » Sun May 19, 2024 9:54 pm

Hello all,
These directions are great! followed all the way through. I know this has to be me but when i edit the wpa_supplicant.conf file with SSID and password, i call it back with cat to verify it says:
passphrase must be 8..63 characters

I verified my passphrase is 10 characters and even added 4 more and it still gives me the same error.
I have special characters and alpha and numeric.

can someone shed some light?

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