Donut Dodo

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Donut Dodo

Post by mappy24 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:09 am

Hi, I've just purchased Donut Dodo Raspberry Pi/Retropie edition from

Can this be adapted to run on Arpicade 3.X, can I add it to the Attract Mode game list?

Donut Dodo - RetroPie Edition

The game is a native RetroPie Port and should be compatible with Raspberry Pi models 3B, 4A, 4B and 400. It has also succesfully been tested on a Pi Zero 2. It might work on other models, but that is still TBC.

1) Copy the DonutDodo folder to anywhere on your Raspberry Pi. Easiest is using the File Manager in RetroPie.
2) Exit EmulationStation, enter the newly copied folder (for ex. "cd DonutDodo"), and run "./"
3) Once that's done, typing "exit" and pressing "enter" will relaunch EmulationStation.
4) Select and launch the game from the "Ports" section of RetroPie

(to uninstall the game at any time, simply repeat step 2, but type " -r")

Game instructions:
This is a lightweight and highly optimized native port of the game in its purest form, made for arcade enthusiasts.
As such, in order to create an authentic arcade experience, the main menu has been removed.

Access the Options Menu (from the Start Screen):
- Hold "Select" and "North Button" (Y on an Xbox controller) on a controller
- press "O" for Options on the keyboard

Exit the game (from the Start Screen):
- press "Select" & "Start" together on a controller to exit at any time
- press "Escape" on the keyboard on the Start Screen

Add a credit (from the Start Screen):
- "5" on the keyboard
- "Start" or "Select" on a controller

Start game (from the mode selection screen):
- "1" on the keyboard
- "Start" on a controller

Player movement:
- Arrow keys on the keyboard for movement, and "Space" to jump
- Dpad or analogue stick on the controller for movement, and "South Button" (A on an Xbox controller) to jump


- While the default control scheme worked fine for most users, some players reported issues with certain setups, so both keyboard and controller custom remapping functions have been added to the game settings
Here's the installation shell script:

SCRIPTDIR="$(dirname "$0")"
SCRIPTDIR="$(cd "$SCRIPTDIR" && pwd)"
readonly SCRIPTDIR

case "${1,,}" in
readonly MODE

[[ -n "$1" ]] && RPS_HOME="$1"
readonly RPS_HOME

readonly VENDOR="PixelGames"
readonly MODULE="donutdodo"
readonly SECTION="ports"

readonly SCRIPT="$INSTALL_DIR/scriptmodules/$SECTION/$"

readonly GAMEDIR="$HOME/RetroPie/roms/ports/DonutDodo"

if [[ ! -d "$RPS_HOME" ]]; then
echo -e "Error: RetroPie-Setup directory $RPS_HOME does not exist. Please input the location of RetroPie-Setup, ex:\n\n bash ./$(basename "$0") [-r] /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup\n\nAborting."

case "$MODE" in
echo "Copying scriptmodule $SECTION/$ to $INSTALL_DIR"
mkdir -p "$INSTALL_DIR"
cp -rfp "$SCRIPTDIR/scriptmodules" "$INSTALL_DIR" && echo -e "...done.\n"

echo "Executing: sudo $RPS_HOME/ donutdodo"
sudo "$RPS_HOME/" donutdodo && echo -e "...RetroPie module installation complete.\n"

if [[ -d "$GAMEDIR" ]]; then
echo "Copying gamedata files to $GAMEDIR (this may take a few moments...)"
if cp -rfp "$SCRIPTDIR/gamedata/"* "$GAMEDIR"; then
chmod +x "$GAMEDIR/DonutDodo.pi" && echo -e "...done.\n"
echo -e "Game directory $GAMEDIR not found. Please copy the gamedata files to your roms directory under ports/DonutDodo.\n"
echo "Executing: sudo $RPS_HOME/ donutdodo remove"

if sudo "$RPS_HOME/" donutdodo remove; then
echo "Removing scriptmodule $SCRIPT..."
rm -f "$SCRIPT" && echo -e "...done.\n"

if [[ ! -d "$INSTALL_DIR" ]]; then
echo -e "Module directory $INSTALL_DIR not found. Nothing to remove.\n\nAborting."

if [[ -z "$(find "$INSTALL_DIR" -type f)" ]]; then
echo "No scriptmodules remain. Removing empty directory $INSTALL_DIR."
rm -rf "$INSTALL_DIR" && echo -e "...done.\n"
I'm wondering if I should just forget the installation script and just copy over the game files manually?


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Re: Donut Dodo

Post by dee2eR » Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:04 am

Haven't heard of this one before... it should almost definately be do-able. Do not use the RetroPie install script, it will not do much good on ARpiCADE. Assuming the files just need to be copied over and it setup in the menu it shouldn't be too hard, from a look of the retropie install script it doesn't look like anything super special is happening.

I'd be happy to write some instructions or installer for ARpiCADE if someone buys me a copy of the game. It's possible the game uses some software component that isn't currently included with ARpiCADE but one way or the other it should be possible if it can run on RetroPie.

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Re: Donut Dodo

Post by mappy24 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:57 am

Happy to work with you on this, can I PM you? I've not tried anything yet, just made the purchase late last night before going to bed!

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Re: Donut Dodo

Post by dee2eR » Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:17 pm

yeah, no prob PM or email if it's easier.

The game looks like it could be fun.

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Re: Donut Dodo

Post by mappy24 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:11 pm

Donut Dodo is great! I'll email you.


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Re: Donut Dodo

Post by dee2eR » Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:08 am

Quick initial testing for anyone playing at home... (just launching from the terminal)

Pi3 with ARPiCADE 3.X.1 - gl error and lock up - I'll have to look into it further.
Pi4 with ARpiCADE_4 v3.2 - works but needs horizontal scaling adjustment
Pi4 with the FIFJ v2 release - works great. Didn't even need to adjust the controls.

I think it's safe to say I can add support for this game in one way or another. It is supposed to work on Pi3 so there may just be something missing in ARpiCADE 3.X.1 or something that's changed over the last few years...

It looks great at 240p too.

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Re: Donut Dodo

Post by cool_factor » Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:04 pm

Looks like a fun game, keep us posted Dee2er!!!!!

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Re: Donut Dodo

Post by dee2eR » Sat Nov 04, 2023 7:03 am

Some more testing from the comand line:
Pi3 with ARpiCADE_4 v3.2 - works but needs horizontal scaling adjustment for 240P (same as Pi4)
Pi3 with the FIFJ v2 release (not using X11 as it crashes on Pi3) - works but needs horizontal scaling adjustment for 240P

Still trying to nut out the GL error on ARpiCADE 3.X - the game was built specifically on RetroPie so it may just be a lib install location difference... figured I'd post an update while I was waiting for my SD card to reburn from the last set of things I tried.

Hopefully i can also figure out the scaling thing too so it doesn't need to be run under X11 at 240p... ARpiCADE 3.X doesn't have X11... luckily the older VideoCore chip is more flexible than the new (at least for low res), so it can probably be done with a res change on Pi3.

can definately be done with a res change on Pi3... still yet to figure out the 3.X GL issue.

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Re: Donut Dodo

Post by jamesetakacs » Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:10 am

hey all, new to the forums, new to pi imaging, and absolutely hate configuring this stuff (I used to mess with hyper spin front end on windows many many years ago but otherwise not familiar). I bought a raspberry jamma and pi3 b+ kit from a friend, and it didn't have the memory card with configuration on it anymore. I bought this thing solely to play donut dodo via jamma (I bought the game file). I don't care about any other game or configuration, at least until they port over their latest game, cash cow. preferably, I would turn on my cab and it would boot right into the game. ive got a 128gb micro sd for it. would anyone be willing to help me out with a preconfigured image? my email is, we can chat there or some other messaging service. would be willing to pay for your time.

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Re: Donut Dodo

Post by dee2eR » Sun Apr 21, 2024 3:29 pm

I'd be happy to help you set it up or build a SD card for you if you need.

If you want to try it yourself start by downloading the base image for ARpiCADE_4 v3.2, there's more to be done but you'l need that on an SD card to continue. I can help with the scripting once you have the base image ready.

Or, if you'd rather me do the whole lot for you, PM me or you can email me on the email from the 'buy' link on the main page (it's really just an email link).

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