Implementation of ServoStik

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Implementation of ServoStik

Post by cool_factor » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:19 am

Is it possible this can work with the Pi/Arpicade in the future?

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Re: Implementation of ServoStik

Post by cool_factor » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:32 am

Coding is Greek to me but I found this info on LEDBlinky which I think the Arpicade has installed, not sure if its helpful.

How Do I Use LEDBlinky To Only Map My U360(s) or ServoStik(s) - I Don't Have Any LEDs?

Even if you don't have any LEDs, you can still use LEDBlinky to map your U360 and/or ServoStik joystick(s) based on the selected game.

Using the LEDBlinky Configuration application:

Select your front-end software from the "FE" menu. If your FE is not listed, select "Other Front-End".
On the MAME Config tab, set all the required fields. If you selected "Other Front-End" in step 1, check the "Use MAME to Trigger the Game Start/Stop Events" option.
On the Misc Options tab, set the Joystick Digital Restriction options.
Lastly, on the Misc Options tab under Other Options, check the "No LEDs Mode" option.

That's it! There's no need to use any of the other LEDBlinky apps. If you're using one of the integrated front-ends, don't forget to enable LEDBlinky from the front-end configuration. If you're using an unlisted front-end ("Other Front-End"), you'll need to start LEDBlinky before starting your FE. Use this command: "<path>\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe" 1

One additional note: If you need to configure the U360 or ServoStik for any emulator other than MAME, you will need to use the LEDBlinky Controls Editor app, add a Default control group for each emulator, and add the correct joystick type (4-way, 8-way, etc.) as the Primary Control.

I also found this: ... a4c0151194

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Re: Implementation of ServoStik

Post by cool_factor » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:57 am

one more, this will make your head hurt LOL: ... -rotation/

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Re: Implementation of ServoStik

Post by cool_factor » Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:06 pm

Does ArpiCade have LEDBlinky? Would like to try this:

How Do I Use LEDBlinky To Only Map My U360(s) or ServoStik(s) - I Don't Have Any LEDs?

Even if you don't have any LEDs, you can still use LEDBlinky to map your U360 and/or ServoStik joystick(s) based on the selected game.

Using the LEDBlinky Configuration application:

Select your front-end software from the "FE" menu. If your FE is not listed, select "Other Front-End".
On the MAME Config tab, set all the required fields. If you selected "Other Front-End" in step 1, check the "Use MAME to Trigger the Game Start/Stop Events" option.
On the Misc Options tab, set the Joystick Digital Restriction options.
Lastly, on the Misc Options tab under Other Options, check the "No LEDs Mode" option.

That's it! There's no need to use any of the other LEDBlinky apps. If you're using one of the integrated front-ends, don't forget to enable LEDBlinky from the front-end configuration. If you're using an unlisted front-end ("Other Front-End"), you'll need to start LEDBlinky before starting your FE. Use this command: "<path>\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe" 1

One additional note: If you need to configure the U360 or ServoStik for any emulator other than MAME, you will need to use the LEDBlinky Controls Editor app, add a Default control group for each emulator, and add the correct joystick type (4-way, 8-way, etc.) as the Primary Control.

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Re: Implementation of ServoStik

Post by dee2eR » Tue Dec 11, 2018 11:11 pm

Sorry I don't know how I missed this thread when you originally wrote it.

LEDBlinky is not installed on ARpiCADE, it is Windows software so it won't work, however there is something called RGBCommander which should be able to work with ARpiCADE (in theory, I don't have a servo-stick so haven't actually tried any of this stuff).

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Re: Implementation of ServoStik

Post by cool_factor » Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:41 pm

Just briefly looking at on a couple forums is that it looks like it only works for certain emulators??? Plus with coding involved, I'd screw something up... Hopefully someones done this with the ArPiCade and will chime in...

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Re: Implementation of ServoStik

Post by MadMungo » Sun Jan 13, 2019 6:06 am

Was just thinking about doing something similar for a couple of my machines.
Am looking at using a 4/8 Way Joystick Restrictor Board from and an arduino single relay instead of buying a *servo stick.

I can work out the wiring side of things, but the software side I have no idea where to start. After reading the links I think it would work like the following,

1./ The list of available mame roms would need to have if it is a 4-way or 8-way game.
2./ The script/s to start your selected game would look for the Joystick Type, 4-way or 8-way, in the rom list and launch a second script.
3./ That script either sets a GPIO pin to High for 4-way or low for 8-way, when using the restrictor board.
4./ Game gets launched as per normal with the correct joystick type.

I would only need this to work with the mame emulators. Like @cool_factor said, with the coding needed I'd definitely screw it up.

*If using a servo stick you would need 2 GPIO pins without a relay, or the one GPIO pin with the servo stick set to manual using the relay in place of a toggle switch.

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