Amiga and C64 emulation issues

Questions about arcade game emulation support on the ARpiCADE (MAME, DAPHNE, Picodrive, etc...)

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Amiga and C64 emulation issues

Post by aod » Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:04 pm

Has anyone successfully been able to get past a crack screen with the Amiga emulation? It has been forever, but I believe most crack screens you clicked left mouse button to get past. Unfortunately, none of my buttons will get me past one. I even go into the virtual keyboard thing and there is nothing in there that can get me past them either. I would love to play some Speedball 2, Paradroid, Moonstone, etc.

Oh, and while I'm thinking of it, anyone know how to change a floppy in the C64 emulator? If I load a game that requires a floppy change (can't just put second floppy in drive 9, but have to actually change it), I can get into the menu of the emulator but as soon as I tell it what floppy should be in the drive and press resume it actually does a reset instead of resuming.


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